
Work Ethics

So I have a situation at work. My manager has explicitly instructed me to offer package deals (also referred to as wrap-rates) to people who show up at the counter without a reservation. What this means is that I'll quote someone a rate of, say, $36.90/day for a car and then tell them that it's a deal where our liability coverages for the vehicle come with it at no extra charge. But in reality the uninsured motorist protection (UMP) and supplimental liability insurance (SLI) cost $16.90/day and I'm only putting their rate as $20/day and telling them on the contract that that's because our computer system forces us to itemize everything.

The reason why we want to do this is because we get payed comission based on our sales (or don't get paid commission at all if our sales yeilds aren't high enough), and the yeild goals are unrealistically high so we have to fudge a little to be successful. Now this is fine, and I don't do it THAT often, but I have definitely been doing it- I mean, everybody wins! The customer gets coverages and I'm charging the same as I would have otherwise, my sales are higher, the average of all the sales agents is consequently higher, and my manager doesn't get in trouble. So right.

But apparently this all is illegal (I KNEW there was a reason I was uncomfortable with it initially). And furthermore, I found out the other day that doing this is grounds for termination and that all the managers who have EXPLICITLY been telling us to do this will not back us up if we get caught! Wow. So right.

Now to make matters worse, this Arabic girl who I guess doesn't wrap-rate at all (she thinks she's the only justified employee because she doesn't "cheat"- I wish someone would have told me it was cheating before today), approached me and confronted me on the issue without confronting me? Basically the way she worded the situation was such that she refered to those contracts in particular that I'd done and questioned my rates without identifying that she knew I was packaging the insurance to bring up my yeild... and asking who told me that was okay to do without saying what it was I was doing? Basically setting a trap so my response would catch me. It was disgusting the way she put it, actually. She clearly had spent a significant amount of time choosing her words just right to set up a trap. But anyways, it was awkward and I played dumb for a while, smiling pleasantly back and responding to questions with other questions trying to force her to accuse me when I knew she wasn't willing to because she was trying to force a confession to quote, but yeah. Then she just started to get frustrated and a little more insistent but still repeating the same things word for word. So finally I dropped my smile and just said, "Look, Najuwa. I don't want to play these games. If you want to talk to me about this, find the particular contract you're refering to and show it to me and we'll speak plainly." And then she got all red and angry and tried to play dumb herself but it was just pathetic, so I shrugged and walked away. But damn. I think I'm in for a problem at work tomorrow. I cannot have a situation until I get my incentive check for this last month. But I wonder- should I not be doing this in the first place? It just seems to be a situation where they don't leave us much other choice than to break their rules.

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In explanation...

I just spent a couple hours with my computer and my absentee ballot. Now I know why I am hardly ever on Free Republic anymore.


Fucking politics

(profanity alert (yeah, a little late, I know))
I fucking hate fucking politics. Why the fuck does everyone have to be so fucking stupid or evil or both? There's not one candidate for state attorney general that I can vote for and Jerry fucking Brown is probably going to win. That fucking pisses me off. I fucking hate Republicans, I hate Democrats, I hate commies and I hate the government. Oh yeah, hippies too.
Oh and by the way, a vote for a third party is not a fucking wasted vote! It's never a waste to vote for someone who could do a good job of promoting sound principles in government if elected (though we all know that few who would are.) It is a fucking waste to vote for a motherfucker who's stupid, evil or both just because he has a damn 'R' next to his name and that means he "has a chance." Fuck that. It's your civic (and often moral) duty to vote for someone who you actually support and if more people realized that we might actually elect some representatives worth a fuck.
that is all

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I played domestic today!

I had the day off work today, so I cleaned up the house and actually went to the bank, and the bakery, and grocery shopping and baked blueberry muffins and cooked my brothers dinner (steak and boiled baby potatoes, salad and beer) and had to try to keep it hot while they took forever to come upstairs from doing woodworking and then decided they had to not only shower first, but give themselves a haircut. Dinner was great, though.

It was nice and all. The whole domestic thing. But somehow... I have this strange aversion. This nagging voice in me keeps getting all panicky and telling me that this is what marriage is- spending the day catering to and cleaning up after someone else. And part of me is totally relieved and excited about that, but the other part of me is like... yeah.

That could so easily turn ugly with the wrong person.

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Falling in Place

So I got my car back (it's been in the shop the last 4 days w/an oil leak- busted gasket or something).

I am officially being hired by the Car Rental Agency this month in time to qualify for compensation on my sales a month and a half ahead of schedule. (The other temps are being dropped.)

I met someone worth dating occasionally.

I've weaned myself off of most of my emotional dependencies.

I haven't cried in 5 days.

And I'm off to watch the second showing of Lost at my parents. Yes, my family is so obsessed that we all drive over to my parents every Wednesday to watch Lost. I don't get off work 'till 9 and one of my sisters has choir practice when it's actually on TV, though, so they record it the first time they watch it and then watch it a second time an hour later when we all arrive. A little over the top, I know. But damn is it satisfying. Gotta love them family traditions.

Anyways, I'm running late for that and it's a Wednesday night priority of mine, so I'm outta here.

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Midget Tossing (aka Dwarf Throwing)

In a word... awesome.
In two words... frickin' awesome.
In a sentence... "Dwarf-tossing, which probably originated in either the United States or Australia, is a bar attraction (some consider it a sport; some consider it barbaric.)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_tossing
In a computer game... well, see for yourself: the game

And if you haven't had enough... BBC News| Lion mutilates midgets

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1) Given the ability to completely exterminate only one(1) lifeform, would you choose-
A. Mosquitoes
B. Poison Ivy
C. Hippies

2) Is the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen-
A. A fantastic musical journey
B. The rockin'est rock song in rock
C. Just plain silly

bonus question: Who would win in a fight between Lemmy(front man of Motorhead) and God?
Answer: Trick question. Lemmy is God.



A new way to play 'chicken'

So we're down to two half-rolls of TP due to the alarming recent outbreak of excessive nose-blowing in addition to normal potty-time consumption.

I wonder who will cave first and actually go buy some (as opposed to the jam-a-roll-in-your-coat-pocket-on-the-way-out-of-mom's-house move, or something similar at work). I guess we still have paper towel left, too. But absorbant or not, my goodness, is it rough.

Stay strong, Maggie. Stay strong.

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Back in Business

So I have a phone interview Tuesday morning with the company I want to be a part of so badly I'd shave my head. Or at least I can say I would, because I know they wouldn't want me to do that. I'm so into it that I've been prepping myself for the most common interview questions on monster.com and other sites and writing out responses on notecards to have handy when I do it.


Why do I have to see nerdiness as so sexy in other people and just plain creepy in me?

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Colds and sinus infections

Are no fun at all.

Work should be interesting today. I wonder if anyone will care if I keep a cup with me to spit all the phlegm I've been hacking up into. ... Right. That's just nasty.

But on the bright side, I love getting sick cuz it makes it so much easier not to smoke! What a perfect week for an illness, seeing as how I'm getting serious about quitting. The fact that all I hafta do is breathe in deep to get a massive wheeze is a crazy deterent against lighting up.

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So Moving Right Along

It was really strange when I woke up this morning. I wasn't wearing the pajama pants I had gone to bed wearing, and what's more? I was wearing shoes I haven't worn in ages- they had been like buried in my closet to the best of my knowledge. And know what else? The pants I HAD been wearing were all folded up in a drawer I don't even USE for clothing with the drawer all hanging open and my arm was scraped up really bad in two places, like, bad enough that there was blood all over my sheets and I haven't been able to get it off yet. I've had problems with sleep walking in the past, but this? Creepy, huh?

Other than that, life's betterish, I guess. We had the funeral: Closure is good. I saw a whole lot of extended family and that was much appreciated. I am still an alcoholic, however, but at least I haven't smoked a cigarette yet today. And yeah. Thaaaat's about it.

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"Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole day long? From morn to night my friend."
--Christina Rossetti


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