
"In the Border"

So Phil 'n' I will be going to Canada this weekend to follow the Admirals around for a few games. Just a fun lil 2010 roadtrip to ring in the new year. Which is awesome. We're hoping to meet up with DitchDoc as well, God willing!!

So naturally I gave T-mobile a ring this afternoon to find out how much I'm charged per minute for Canadian calls because I really don't know other than that it's something. What a joke that was. I called, explained that I would be driving to Canada, and politely asked my customer service rep how much I'm charged, per minute, for calls made to Canada and calls made to the US from Canada. His response? "Oh, you're driving there? Well you're just charged for normal minutes, cuz you're in the border." That... did not make sense to me. "In" the border? What the? So I acknowledge that I do not know what that means and asked for clarification. So he responds "Well you know, if you're calling either the US or Canada from in the border there is no additional fee." Still got nothing. I'm confused... is this coming up because I live IN a state that borders Canada? Don't see how that should matter... so right. I ask again. "No, no. That doesn't matter. You just don't pay any additional fee so long as you're in the border." He's not cute anymore: "Where IS in the border?" He starts faltering, then comes out with "You know, the line. Between Canada and the U.S...."

I'm a little disgruntled. So basically he was telling me that I just spent 10 minutes of my time having him totally misrepresent how "I'd only be charged normal minutes" during my trip.... by leaving out the part that it's only AS I'M CROSSING THE FREAKING BORDER. I finally got him to spit out a number and that it's 20 cents per minute extra for when I'm either in the U.S. or Canada, but whatever. That's just ridiculous. What a slime ball, with his tricky prepositions.

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Why I don't smoke outside my apartment

Me: *puff puff* *puff puff*
CreepyDude: Hey. You got a cigarette?
Me: No, sorry. I roll my own and only brought one.
CreepyDude: Well then give me a drag of yours...
Me: Uhh. You want me to give you the cigarette that was just in my mouth, let you put it in YOUR mouth, and then take it back...??
CreepyDude: Yeah
Me: Yeah, that's not going to happen.
CreepyDude: Well why the hell not? The F***'s wrong with you? (getting disproportionately pissy)
Me: I don't share things I put in my mouth with random men off the street.
CreepyDude: *protesting as if it's open for discussion*
Me: We're through talking here. (partially turns away, while feeling in pocket for pepperspray)
CreepyDude: *grumbletalkingtohimselfashewalksaway*

I do not like how mean I am with strangers around here. But I like even less being taken advantage of by bossy creepy dudes who feel entitled to what I have. Screw that. So I choose aversion: no more smoking out front.

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"Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole day long? From morn to night my friend."
--Christina Rossetti


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