
Nudism may be gross, unattractive, immodest and impractical, but it sure does have its upsides and appeal

So here I am. Not wearing much clothes. Because I really need to do laundry. And being stressed. Because I'm going to have company soon. So clothes are no longer optional. And he'll be here soon. So I don't have time to do laundry first. Oh, and I should probably straighten up and do some dishes. Thus compounding the clothes crunch. AHHHHH!

Is anyone else as pathetic as me by the end of the week?

I vote "yay" for nudism. Save us all time, quarters, decisions, and stress. Who's with me??!?

(and if you are with me, meet me at Bradford Beach in Milwaukee, WI next July)

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Blogger Lagartija said...

Oh wow. I thought i was perpetually behind on laundry, but I guess since I've never actually had to do the laundry in the nude I should consider myself O.K. ;)

Sun Sep 13, 05:59:00 PM  
Blogger Matt G said...

Maggie. I do not judge your nudilistic tendencies. (I know that nudilistic isn't a word but it seems like there's a lot more onomotopoeia going on if you tweak the work like this..) I myself have been known to "simplify" my wardrobe when at home alone. I believe I may have some helpfull advice for the "time crunch" scenario however. When I am down to my lastest pare of scivies, and I have multiple other things to do (shower, brush teeth etc..) besides wash my clothes as well before going out I simply crawl into the washer undies and all (this will require some flexibility and also goggles and very long straw,) and voila! I hope you will consider this time saving strategy next time you run into trouble...

Sun Sep 13, 06:45:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

That, or you just wear your clothes in the shower.. No really! Not as much fun as Matt's method, but it works.

Mon Sep 14, 02:50:00 PM  
Blogger Matt G said...

good point Jack but the problem is that your clothes stay too wet with this method because a shower doesn't have a high speed spin cycle. The down side is that sometimes spin cycle makes me so dizzy that sometimes I get sick and have to start the whole process over again. At least you don't have to wash your clothes like this Mags: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyPw_PAieyM&feature=player_embedded

Tue Sep 15, 07:23:00 AM  

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