
A two-fold point.

The other day Flatlander mentioned a post I wrote over a year ago. Looking at it again and thinking of that time in my life really brought a lot of memories back. I miss this blog. Back when I was living in my parents basement, going to school, and working at the nursing home, when I wanted to post on the blog I would go outside, smoke a cigarette, reflect on my day, and identify 1-3 things I'd been thinking about or of note that happened that day. Then I'd retreat back to my cave in the basement, sit down in front of the computer and write about them. Easy-breezy.

I miss that luxury.

Looking after my own home and overscheduling to the point of insanity has left me shell-shocked and brainless. Well not brainless, but it's hard to make my brain delight about something random or reflect on something past for more than 5 minutes any more before I start reviewing what I need to do in the future. And that's a crying shame.

After of summer of recuperation and just recently getting to a point where I'm comfortable with my routine of JUST holding a FT job at the hospital and looking after daily cooking/cleaning necessities, I have to admit that I have fleeting regrets that I haven't made recreational writing more of a habit again while I had the time to. And now school is starting again. Granted, at a much lesser rate as I'm only taking one 7-credit clinical, but it's still a good 12 hours of face time between lectures and clinicals at the hospital, plus all the papers, projects, readings, and prep that goes with it. Plus 40 hours of work a week. Planning out my schedule I was somewhat horrified that THIS was cutting back. What was I thinking last semester.

At any rate. The point I wanted to make is two-fold: one, I want to blog more because it's good for me. It makes me reflect. It decreases worrying and anxiety because the focus is on the past and present, not the future (except this post). And that's good. That's healthy. And two, .... Okay, there isn't really a two. Twofold points sound more impressive, though... so... right. I'll try again: And two, please feel free to harass me if I'm not posting enough. Man... writing socially in a coherent manner is harder than I remember...

Thank you for your time. I look forward to hearing from you.

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Blogger Krista said...

Yay! I am glad you are going to try and post more often, I have very much missed your posts. That is what I think point #2 should be- you need to blog more to satisfy your readers. :)

Sun Aug 23, 03:46:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good good, glad to hear you'll be writing more! I agree with Krista about point #2.

By the way.. Check your trackbacks, I now have a blog of m'own. I'm still waiting for the Malt-o-Meal party post!

Thu Aug 27, 03:25:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Jack, blogger doesn't support trackbacks. They do use backlinks, however, which are enabled on our blog. But either I don't know how to use them (unlikely, as I just looked it up), or you didn't link. Or you linked to some obscure post. But yeah... I'd love to check out your new blog (and find out who you are!), so you should get back to me on this!

PS: Phil already wrote a post sans photos, so maybe I'll urge that one along/go ahead and post it for him since I'm on his PC anyway....

Thu Aug 27, 04:24:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Ah oops, sorry I didn't see your comment. Alrighty then, we'll just cheat:


So.. You know, enjoy..

Wed Sep 02, 05:27:00 AM  
Blogger khajimiya said...

Vashikaran Mantra For Ex Love Back ...@
Vashikaran Mantra

Thu Oct 20, 11:51:00 PM  

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