
Bitterness and Grief

Call me shallow, but I'm really upset about how my roommate (I try not to focus on how he's also my brother... makes it too personal...) murdered my daffodils the other night. I was so proud of myself. It's the first plant I've ever had that I've remember to water. They have a really nifty "vase/pot" that's a like a fish bowl but open at the top with a downwards slant, cool little rocks and foilage stuff in it, and it had two beautiful blossoms that became three thanks to my nurturing. I'm trying to prove that I can nurture plants because if I can nurture plants I can probably nurture pets and if I can nurture pets I can maybe nurture babies. Maybe I've got something to prove here.

But regardless, the point is that he sabotaged my attempt at proving I could nurture by opening the window upon which sill my plant was resting (for optimal sunlight-- it was not left there out of negligence!!) and exposed it to freezing temperatures, crippled it with frost, and thus made me a failure. It doesn't look like she'll recover, though I still have faint hopes.

And I'm very upset about this. Even bitter. Possibly in the first stage of grieving.


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Blogger Krista said...

I have (very quickly) killed every plant I have ever tried to nurture. Plus, my pet bird died on my without any warning when it was very young. Might have been my fault, I don't know. BUT, I have 2 kids and neither one has even gotten seriously injured! So, don't worry- if you keep killing plants your whole life I think you could still have babies. :)

Tue Feb 24, 01:43:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

you mean I... you mean...

well, shoot. Now I gotta go rethink my whole dang game plan...

Tue Feb 24, 05:15:00 PM  
Blogger Lagartija said...

I was going to post along the same lines as Krista! I have what I like to call "a black thumb", maybe even two black thumbs, and have only perrenials which I can't identify from the previous owners in my yard, plus my wonderful fake flower garden planter box, that the kids can "plant" and replant, overwater to their hearts delight and they aways look beautiful! People often think they're real! Anyhow, the point is that I have three happy healthy kids despite that. I too believe it is a false assumption that there is any correlation.

Thu Apr 02, 08:49:00 PM  

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