
The word of the day is...


That's the act of throwing something (or someone) out of a window. The term originated shortly after a group of Protestants defenestrated two Catholic Imperial governors along with their scribe at Prague Castle for alleged infringements on the right to freedom of religious expression. (The somewhat obscure disclaimer "Don't defenestrate the scribe," also has its origins in this event.) The three survived for reasons disputed along religious lines: Catholics claimed that divine intervention played a part in protecting them; "Horseshit," said Protestants. Admittedly, the mental image of angels descending from heaven to mercifully guide the men in their fall from a castle window onto a large pile of horse manure is a bit pythonesque. (Which is not at all to say I find it unbelievable.)
Good times.

All lifted from wikipedia of course. Anyone else care to admit to thinking "Meh, it's a cool idea but it's not like it will really catch on," about wikipedia a couple years ago?

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Blogger mags said...

I'm pretty sure protestants aren't allowed to cuss.

They probably said "Horse-feces." It's more PC.

Mon Nov 24, 04:44:00 PM  

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