
Maggie Musings

The other day while dozing off on the couch, my dazed, pre-sleep brain was contemplating how to wrap my birthday presents for Phil.

At first, I was thinking to wrap them all separately... but then I had vague apprehensions along the lines of it maybe coming across as too much cuz I know he's not that into the whole birthday thing. But then, all sleepy and what-not I thought, "But if I put them all in the same box, and he shakes it, then something might break." But then another me countered, "You dork, nothing in that package is breakable!" Chimes another me, "But if I put an egg in it, THAT'D sure teach him to shake his birthday presents. Hehe... sucker."

Then I forgot all about Phil and his upcoming birthday, and got lost in wishes of having a friend who compulsively shook all of his/her presents. As a practical joke I would wrap a box with dozens of loose raw eggs in it, JUST so that when they shook it I could jump in and say, "AHA!! That'll teach YOU to try an' count your chickens before they're hatched!" And then I peacefully dozed off with a smile upon my lips.

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Blogger Lagartija said...

What is going on!!??? When did all these new posts crop up? And why, oh why, did you not invite me to the Malt O Meal Party!!!??? WAHHHHHHHH!

Oh and nice job burning your hair off. I hope you enjoyed the smell...

Sat Aug 29, 12:02:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Mags, when's your birthday?

*grins evilly*

Tue Sep 01, 05:55:00 PM  

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