Midget Tossing (aka Dwarf Throwing)
In a word... awesome.
In two words... frickin' awesome.
In a sentence... "Dwarf-tossing, which probably originated in either the United States or Australia, is a bar attraction (some consider it a sport; some consider it barbaric.)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_tossing
In a computer game... well, see for yourself: the game
And if you haven't had enough... BBC News| Lion mutilates midgets
In two words... frickin' awesome.
In a sentence... "Dwarf-tossing, which probably originated in either the United States or Australia, is a bar attraction (some consider it a sport; some consider it barbaric.)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dwarf_tossing
In a computer game... well, see for yourself: the game
And if you haven't had enough... BBC News| Lion mutilates midgets
Labels: awkward, Funny-Funny, games, Midgets, Sooo Funny, this is all wrong
So yeah. As to that last link... if you did read the paragraph of bright red text at the top warning you that the following article is fake, you're probably wondering what exactly was so funny about it. If you didn't read the fairly amusing story behind it, it's here. Chuckle and move on.
But the real reason I posted it is for those special people like myself who did not read the PARAGRAPH OR BRIGHT RED TEXT AT THE VERY TOP OF THE FRICKIN' PAGE. Go ahead and go back, click on the link again. Yes, there it is: a frickin' paragraph of bright red text. No, I don't know how I missed it either. I guess these things just happen sometimes.
What a catharsis of laughter. I was all onboard and pleased and laughing... until I got to the fight article. And then I was laughing and laughing, but seriously affronted and uncomfortable. And then I read your comment... and laughed and laughed and laughed. I'm not sure if I was laughing at me, you, or the article guys, though. Probably all three.
Yeah. That whole paragraph of bright red text somehow elluded me as well.
Does something like this count in the same category as "failed to follow directions"?
awwwww, but it would have been so much funnier to read if i had thought it was true. DAMN, i should have clicked on the article before reading your comments. I always blow off the top inch of any given webpage as being an ad anyway, especially if it is bright and obnoxious
For the record, my third time playing the game I didn't injure a single little person.
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