
Today's Piss-Me-Off

And for the record, my job sucks.

I call the attendant in the parking lot, tell her I'm selling a car (at fatty rate, by the way) that's parked in behind another car and ask if that's cool. And it has to be THAT one because it has all the perks I sold so hard on. She grumbles and says "Okay."

Half an hour later my coworker gets a call from her bitching about how I made her move a car 'unnecessarily.' Whatever. I called to ask her, and she AGREED to it. After she hangs up, I explain what happened to the coworker, apologize for her getting bitched at about what I did and forget about it.

Fifteen minutes later, a MANAGER calls asking for me. I get on the phone, just to hear the same complaint. I explain and apologize again.

When I got to leave at 5pm and have to go out to the lot, just for safe measure and to be a bigger man, apologize to chickychicky (in front of previous manager) again and tell her that next time she should just say no, or if we're not busy, I'D even be willing to come out and move it (even though that's not my job, it's hers, AND I made a courtesy call about it which she OKed). She takes this as an opportunity to bitch EVEN MORE instead of just accepting the apology or making any attempt at grace and puts on this whole "I'm pitiful act." I guess somehow that's supposed to make me like her or have compassion for her... or something...


People who pull that shit should be shot. Unless they're pregnant. Which I guess she is. So I guess that's just life.

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Blogger Badtiming said...

tell him to go suck an egg... put an egg in his show and beat it then tell him to watch Dick Tracy so he won't get mad...then tp his house or car...then call that tall girl from minnesota and tell her to tp his car then eat a snickers because it is just the right thing to do!

Thu Sep 21, 07:30:00 PM  

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