
The first encounter of the day: Monday, September 11th, 2006.

12:09am: Exit home with brother and two friends, driving brother's vehicle. Destination? Beer.

12:13am: Suspicious looking police car tailing vehicle is noted.

12:17am: Noted police car takes action, and pulls over vehicle for no immediately apparent reason, in a very shady part of town.

12:18am: Passengers inform driver registration on vehicle expired 11 days prior. Fix-it ticket already issued in the state of Minnesota 8 days prior. Fix-it ticket is procurred. Occupants of car make attempts not to fidget.

12:29am: Vehicle is surrounded by not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4, but FIVE cop cars.

12:31am: Vehicle is descended upon by the police officers from 3 different police cars, brandishing maglites, hands on holsters. Hands of all occupants have maintained clear visibility.

12:32am: Driver and passenger up front are questioned to no particular end. Expired plates are eventually established. Fix-it ticket and ID's are forfeited.

12:33am: Exchange of words between officers outside the vehicle. 'Judgement call' being the final verdict.

12:37am: Excess police cars slowly begin to disperse.

12:47am: Original officer returns with fine. Driver is asked to exit vehicle. Further questioning.

12:48-12:56am: Driver realizes officer has made his call unflexibly and decides to make him aware of what an ass he is under the pretense of 'explaining' and inquiring, and brings up 5 or 6 different points in their defense, the most pertinent of which being that owner of vehicle only arrived back in the state the tags were issued in two hours ago- neither of which two hours were during business hours, and as such owner has had no opportunity to correct offense. Officer begins to fidget and feel bad, but will not recind.

12:57am: Driver is satisfied with having made him feel guilty at the very least and relinquishes her fingerprint. Driver thanks officer for being so 'reasonable' and willing to discuss the issue. Driver delivers said message in such a friendly and convincing tone, smiling with the face and not with the eyes, that Officer does not detact the deep seated bitterness and sarcasm, and thanks her back bewilderedly.

12:58am: Driver returns to the vehicle with a $90 fine, trembling with rage.

12:59-1:05am: More rage. The journey to the bar is completed.

1:06am: Ahhhhhh. Beer and darts.

Mission Accomplished.

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Blogger Badtiming said...

and that is why i love you, and about the bar thing... i will go but am not drinking for a long time...I like strawberry shit though

Wed Sep 13, 05:28:00 PM  
Blogger LMO said...

lucky was to start a day :)

Wed Sep 13, 05:30:00 PM  
Blogger Badtiming said...

butthead, i did have multiple beers on saturday at my kick ball tournament... 9 hours long and i am still sore!! BEEEEEEEEER!!@!!

Tue Sep 19, 11:37:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Kickball tourny...?

Siiigghhhhh. Must. Get. New. Job. So I can have a schedule where I can commit to actual, like, REAL person activities.

Like Kickball.

Wed Sep 20, 06:49:00 PM  

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