Sharing some of Phil's pics from this deployment without his permission...

And then there's always THIS:

Hehehe... WooHoo!!
Labels: Army stuff, Funny-Funny, Iraq, My Dreamboat
31.3.08Sharing some of Phil's pics from this deployment without his permission...
Okay, maybe it's just me... but the level of suggestivity for most militaryesque pics just makes me giggle uncontrollably sometimes. And even more so given that it's my boyfriend depicted. For example.
![]() And then there's always THIS: ![]() Hehehe... WooHoo!! Labels: Army stuff, Funny-Funny, Iraq, My Dreamboat 30.3.08Self-Restraint
Given the nature of my work as a nursing assistant, I am continuously placed in (and placing others in) what under normal circumstance would be very awkward situations. Sure, they're still awkward- but you get over it quicker when it's a matter of necessity. I've also developed a calm, confident, comfortable, considerate, and undaunted can-do demeanor (CCCCUCDD) to assume when necessary to put my residents at ease. This invovles enormous self-restraint at times when stifling a wide range of very natural responses to unideal situations.
A few examples of my work-situations that require unusually high levels of self-restraint:
Individually they're doable. But add them all together in one night and it can be REALLY HARD to stay in control of yourself. Honestly, that's HOW I stay in control of myself-- by reminding myself that at least I can modify my behaviors, and that's not necessarily the case with all of my residents. And the craziest thing at this point is that there are a number of things I'm presently restraining myself from sharing because they're just too horrible to share, even without identifying the person in question. I guess some things are better off never mentioned again. I hate to say it, but sometimes I'm actually relieved that certain people have dementia-- because they won't have to be ashamed of themselves for what they just did later. It must be really hard to get old. But I gotta say, it's not exactly easy caring for the elderly either. But that being said, the particular type of restraint I routinely have to exercise that I would like to discuss here is:
Granted, sometimes it's okay and GOOD to laugh things off, especially if they were awkward to begin with, but most of the time it would be oh-so-unhelpful and just plain insensitive. *** Now maybe I'm too easily (or even wrongly) amused, but here are a few of tonight's work experiences that challenged my ability to restrain my laughter: "THE CATFIGHT" So I was in a shared residents room responding to one of their call lights. Two women lived in this room. As I was determining what the woman who put on her call light (Woman A) needed, her roommate (Woman B) piped up. It all happened so fast. The conversation that took place between them went something like this: It was really hard not to laugh. He was so incredibly distressed that he was going to scandalize me. So sweet, however clumsy. I have to admit, I have a serious soft spot for oldey veterans... Anyways... this got to be a lot longer than I intended. Good for you if you read the whole thing! *** Note: At this point I feel inclined to warn you that I am not a very sensitive person when it comes to matters of humor. I stand by the level of care I provide to my residents. And while I do make jokes at their expense sometimes (as you can see), I have never ONCE made any sort of comment at a residents expense at work, not even to a coworker. My humor in no way compromises the level of care I provide. Labels: awkward, Nursing Home, work 15.3.08"Dr Phil's Personality Test" on Facebook
Okay, I'm pissed off. I took this 10 question Dr Phil's Personality test on Facebook... it's 10 questions, all about body language, color preferences, sleeping/standing positions, walking pace, dream content, etc., and based on these 10 questions and my responses it came up with this:
Your Score: 42 - Bad result? Click here to take the quiz again. Others see you as someone they should "handle with care." You're seen as vain, self-centered, and extremely dominant. Others may admire you, wishing they could be more like you. However, they don't always trust you, hesitating to become too deeply involved with you. Ummm. My personality SUCKS. Labels: Bummed, Paranoia, stop doubting me 11.3.08Questionable parenting techniques
Sometimes after relfecting upon my interactions with my 13 yo younger sister, I am disposed to wonder whether or not I would in fact make a good mother. For example, here was an exchange between her and I earlier today.
Context: I had just put on a pair of earring that I had given her for Christmas. What can I say, I have good taste. Emily: Hey! Those are my earrings! Maggie: Emily, you would do well to follow my Christ-like example. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away. Emily: *slumping of shoulders and despairingly turning away* And another later that evening. Context: Earlier that morning, both Danny Boy and myself had seperately tried our hand at justifying the distributive property which Emily was not merely struggling with, but obstinately denying. This conversation took place in front of Emily. Maggie: YOU explained it to her, too? That's impossible; I already proved it to her this morning! Danny Boy: Yeah, well it clearly didn't take. The problem is that she doesn't BELIEVE it's true. A few minutes later Emily freaked out upon the appearance of a spider, and cried out in dismay, "PLEASE Kill it!! It shouldn't be alive!!" Maggie: I will kill it. --IFF you believe in the distributive property. Hmmmm. Somehow I suspect the abuse of Scriptual quotation and the use of blackmail to instill beliefs would not be kosher parenting. Labels: Faith, family shmamily., Little Children, reservations, this is all wrong The Plague
I have been exposed to 4 different strains of influenza in the last week, which have resulted in much sickness and 3 deaths so far. Okay, fine, the deaths were of elderly people (who are far less resilient to disease and infection), but still. It tends to make one fairly uneasy. Particularly when I'm not able to so much as walk down my hall without Droplet Precautions (mask, gown, gloves..). Of course Droplet Precautions were not instituted until AFTER there was a death from it and several people I have had extensive physical contact with were finally tested/diagnosed). I've also had cause to wash my hands a couple HUNDRED times each night, as opposed to a mere 50-70 (no exaggeration here. you should see how dry my hands are, and I use lotion ALL THE TIME). It's kinda hard not to get paranoid. Especially when you see healthy young adults laid up with less serious strains than what's going around at work for a full week. I just don't have the time or energy for that crap.
At any rate, work is legally required to offer us Tamiflu. It's used to "treat" people who have it and as a preventative measure for people who don't-- really it just inhibits mitosis of the evil cells, preventing it from getting much worse. All it'll really do is shorten how long you have it, not "cure" you. Also, it's expensive. I've "accepted" treatment, though I haven't started it yet. Have any of you taken this stuff before? I'm loathe to take it right now when I'm not exhibiting flu symptoms and I have to finish this crappy week of school-- I'm not really interested in nasty side-effects for the first couple days while my body gets used to it (it's a 10 day series). I guess I could save it in case I do start exhibiting symptoms other than being really tired all the time(heh. cuz influenza's the only thing that can exhaust you, right?), but by that point I will have lost any benefits as a preventative measure. Then again, I've had exposure for over a week and I'm still not sick, so maybe I should just bank on not getting sick. I'm getting the pills either way cuz they're free (never know when they might come in handy!), but I just can't decide whether or not to take them. My gosh, how I hate the complications of drugs. Anyone have any advice? Labels: Advice Wanted, Nursing Home, Paranoia, Sick 9.3.08Brainstorming
Okay guys, I need some help. I need to do this Observational Hypothesis report where I come up with something social that I want to observe, gather data, and write a report on it.
Examples from what people have done previously are: 1. Recording how often people wash their hands in public restrooms when you're visibly there as opposed to hiding in a stall. 2. Dropping singles in plain sight of someone walking behind you to see if they return them to you. 3. Dressing really nicely and going into a jewelry store to see how the clerk treats you and then comparing it to going in dressed like a scrub. 4. Putting brown gunk on your teeth before going up and talking to someone to see if they'll tell you. Stuff like that. You get the picture. Just a social study to observe how people interact publically. Anyone is fair game once they step out their front door, but you can't stalk them or anything. One of the things I'll be graded on is creativity, so it has to be good. Also, it can't involve actually interviewing people or asking them questions. It has to be purely based on observation (to avoid ethical issues). Anybody have any suggestions? Labels: Advice Wanted, Not too Cool for School 5.3.08Rub-a-dub-dub three men in a tub...
And I want to be the baker. When I get off work and have 20 minutes to chill before I hop in the shower and get ready to go to class I like to unwind by reading the forwards to bread baking books. There are some really cool, mystical ones out there that totally fascinate me. Or more appropriately, YEAST fascinates me...
Anyways, once Matt and I eventually get an apartment this summer I'm hoping to become professional bread bakers. My mom sent me a cool link you guys may or may not be interested in: BreadTopia. If you're also interested in bread baking you should check it out. And if you're not interested, you're crazy: I mean, c'mon, it's nutritious, delicious, and oh-so-fun. Check it out. Also, I think I want to sign up for some sort of Community Supported Agriculture subscription. Hell, yes. Labels: "Cooking", aspirations 4.3.08¡Ya basta!![]() Today I decided I don't want to be a responsible adult anymore. Work never ends. Never. Ever. You just gotta go. Period. That's the way it is. Do what other people tell you to. Forget that you want to go travel around and visit people you love. DC? Manassas? Santa Clarita? Ventura? Utah? Out of the question. You have to work. What's that? You just put FOUR FREAKING HOURS of work into that project and you're hardly any further into than when you started? Oh. Sucks to be you. Keep working. Oh, so you've got kids and you're going to stay home to be with them? That sounds GREAT! PSYCHE. That's WORK. Work, work, work, work, work, of the interminable variety. I mean, don't get me wrong. Work can be great. It just can't be unENDing like this. I mean my gosh. When the hell is play time supposed to be? Immature people do not have these dilemmas. And thus, as of today I refuse to mature. Ask me to do something for you? I'll do it halfass or say I did it when I didn't. Drone on and on about your problems? I'll start playing the parrot game 'till you break and then spit on you. Scare me? I'll piss my pants and refuse to clean it up. Hurt my feelings? I'll cry and break something valuable of yours. Inadverdently piss me off? I'll punch you in the face, steal your hat, and run away. Okay, maybe this wasn't exactly what I was like as an immature person... but it's what I wanted to be. Social mores always seemed to get in the way of all my fun. But back to my point. I'm sick of this crap and just want to act up and make everyone's life a living nightmare, if only for a day... Today I want to raise some serious hell. But I can't. Because that's unacceptable. So I'm pouting instead.