
The Plague

I have been exposed to 4 different strains of influenza in the last week, which have resulted in much sickness and 3 deaths so far. Okay, fine, the deaths were of elderly people (who are far less resilient to disease and infection), but still. It tends to make one fairly uneasy. Particularly when I'm not able to so much as walk down my hall without Droplet Precautions (mask, gown, gloves..). Of course Droplet Precautions were not instituted until AFTER there was a death from it and several people I have had extensive physical contact with were finally tested/diagnosed). I've also had cause to wash my hands a couple HUNDRED times each night, as opposed to a mere 50-70 (no exaggeration here. you should see how dry my hands are, and I use lotion ALL THE TIME). It's kinda hard not to get paranoid. Especially when you see healthy young adults laid up with less serious strains than what's going around at work for a full week. I just don't have the time or energy for that crap.

At any rate, work is legally required to offer us Tamiflu. It's used to "treat" people who have it and as a preventative measure for people who don't-- really it just inhibits mitosis of the evil cells, preventing it from getting much worse. All it'll really do is shorten how long you have it, not "cure" you. Also, it's expensive. I've "accepted" treatment, though I haven't started it yet. Have any of you taken this stuff before? I'm loathe to take it right now when I'm not exhibiting flu symptoms and I have to finish this crappy week of school-- I'm not really interested in nasty side-effects for the first couple days while my body gets used to it (it's a 10 day series). I guess I could save it in case I do start exhibiting symptoms other than being really tired all the time(heh. cuz influenza's the only thing that can exhaust you, right?), but by that point I will have lost any benefits as a preventative measure. Then again, I've had exposure for over a week and I'm still not sick, so maybe I should just bank on not getting sick. I'm getting the pills either way cuz they're free (never know when they might come in handy!), but I just can't decide whether or not to take them.

My gosh, how I hate the complications of drugs. Anyone have any advice?

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Blogger Lagartija said...

I'd start taking it. Not that it is supposed to make a HUge difference (it only shortens th elength of it by a day or two), but here's our experience. I got sick on Saturday, went in to the Dr. on Monday, but Dr. didn't call back with the influenza results until Tuesday eve., so I'd already had it for 4 days. My regular Dr. said I should take it, even being pregnant, because I needed to cut it short since I had a high fever that kept coming back which is unsafe when your preggo. So I started it Wednesday and was almost better by Friday. I stopped taking tamiflu then b/c my OB said she wouldn't bother taking the tamiflu- (it's a class C pregancy drug.) Robbie, who as you know was exposed to me and the kids all week, didn't get sick until Sunday. I gave him my Tamiflu and he's been taking it- he was out all Sunday, missed work Monday, went in Tuesday but came home by 3, and today is better.

SO, I don't know if it was taking tamiflu from the very onset that helped him, or just that his immune system is stronger than mine since I am pregnant, but his illness was half as long as mine.

That's all I've got. :)

Wed Mar 12, 04:18:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

LIZ! You don't STOP taking antibiotics early! You complete the series! Same goes for him!

Wed Mar 12, 04:58:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

yeah, well you know how i was grumpy this morning when we were talking phil? i also was congested and watery eyed. and now i just took my temp? yeah. running a fever too.

excellent. i'm gonna do me some drugs, i guess.

i am so pissed off about this.

Thu Mar 13, 09:22:00 AM  
Blogger Lagartija said...

Mags, tamiflu is NOT antibiotics.

Thu Mar 13, 07:30:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

uhhh... I was specifically told by a nurse at work that it was. But then again, she's not the most reliable of nurses, and moreover after doing a little research, I think you're right... Serves me right for trusting her. :P

HOWEVER, as with antibiotics, it still does specifically state that you should complete the whole series to avoid reoccurence.

Fri Mar 14, 12:15:00 AM  
Blogger Lagartija said...

Well, I didn't want it to mess up my baby. :)

Fri Mar 14, 10:26:00 PM  

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