Wal-Mart Cake

So wrong. I recommend everyone order their cakes in person with it written down to illustrate.
Or even better: Just freaking bake your own and cut out the incompetent middle-man.
Slightly unrelated: Did you know that the acronym C.A.K.E. stands for "Cops Care About Kids Excelling"? I think the cops should care a bit about their own need to excel; don't they realize there're two C's in there??
Labels: "Cooking", Funny-Funny, no no no
Oh. My. Gosh. I'm afraid to ask what it was supposed to say. That's the funniest thing I've seen in a while!
At least the side directions for the cake type weren't written on it as well. (Best wishes Suzanne, ect. on whichever is your cheapest cake)
OH. I finally get it. (This no coffee for Lent thing may not have been such a hot idea...)
I don't get what it was supposed to say. Can someone clue me in? This is bothering me now.
It's supposed to say "Best Wishes Suzanne" in the first line and "We will miss you" in the second. This cake must have been ordered over the phone, like this: "Yeah, put in the top line, 'Best wishes, Suzanne', underneath that, 'We will miss you'."
The stupid bakery included the instructions in the message! :) (Note that it took me almost four hours to finally get it on my own!)
thank you erin! I was trying to figure out which particular letters they got wrong, and what it was originally supposed to say :)
That's what I'd been trying to do, too!
You guys are.... weird.
Well the thing that threw me was the fact that they spelled "Underneath" wrong. So I figured they were trying to decipher the note that was written, and came up with that. Didn't cross my mind that they just spelled underneath wrong. :)
Yeah, me too. I mean, I can understand mixing up i and e in receive, or using the wrong form of your or there, but mispelling a word that ends in TH by leaving off the H? Come ON! :)
(Speaking of misspellings, my verification is "vrijn". He he.)
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