
Things that piss me off

1. Having three exams scheduled next week in the space of 20 hours.

2. Having a teacher who can't teach worth **** in a class that requires mastery of an OBSCENE amount of information, and being tested on stuff that we haven't even gone over. What a waste of two hours that class is- two hours that COULD be spent actually teaching OURSELVES the material instead of having to just do it later. Not to mention the 6+ hours a week I spend doing busy work for it-- the kind of busy work that doesn't even aid in your learning the material.

3. Unclear expectations and standards. All you have to do is establish what it is you want- it takes maybe 5 minutes and saves people all sorts of stress and misfocused effort.

4. Lazy, incompetent coworkers. Particularly ones that are routinely late coming back from their break-- hence cutting into mine. I have soooo many choice words about that one. Also, ones that ignore their call lights. This infuriates me.

5. Supervisors who intentionally make themselves unavailable. Especially when people are calling OVER and OVER and OVER trying to get a hold of them.

6. Papers that are about your personal life. Granted, the course is "interpersonal communication," so it's not a far cry for her to expect us to be applying these principles to our personal lives... but it's still a little awkward having to share those applications with our teacher. I don't think I like those realms overlapping quite that much, and I'm not quite creative enough to completely fabricate it. For my next paper I have the choice of either analyzing my present relationship, or a past, terminated one. I'm not too keen on either. Why would I want to spend x amount of hours thinking about a past one, and why would I want to be sharing information about my present one with her? I don't care if it's confidential-- she's still reading it. Anyways. I guess I'm going to be writing about our relationship this weekend, Phil. Should I pass it along?

7. Unnecessary noise. Maybe I'm just chronically tired or something, but sounds that normally are nice like whistling, background music, etc. just piss me off lately.

8. Unsolicited conversations. "Yeah, I'm reading. Does it LOOK like I want to talk to you right now? " For the first time in my life I came out and told an acquaintance (coworker, actually), "Hey, I really need to get this done right now...?" and cut her off mid-blabbering. I gave her NUMEROUS non-verbal cues indicating how unwelcome her blathering was first. Turns out being a bitch and just saying it is far more effective.

9. Laundry. It never ends. It always needs to be done. I'm giving up clothes for Lent... never you mind the cold. Think of how much less time, water, soap, and modesty would be wasted.

10. Scraping off my windshield. I just want to get in the car and GO... is that so much to ask??

Okay. That's all I got. Thanks for the outlet.

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Blogger phil said...

And you used to be so nice...

Sat Feb 16, 10:33:00 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

You can analyze one of MY failed relationships, if you want.


Mon Feb 18, 05:29:00 PM  

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