Learn to Drive, Asshole

Today I nearly died.
I hate people who drive their cars in crappy weather when they clearly have no idea what they are doing. Take this morning for example.
TIME: 7:47AM. Rush Hour Traffic.
LOCATION: Milwaukee, WI
OFFENDER: AssholeInTheDirtyRedCar.
CONTEXT: So here I am in the right hand lane on a three lane road, going with the flow of traffic at 40mph in a 50mph zone. Reasonable considering the roads are not clear and it's slippery. The flow of traffic was working as one beast in unison. Until the AssholeInTheDirtyRedCar came along. Just AS I'M PASSING the right hand turn lane, whatshisface decides to swoop ahead of me at the last second, cut me off and swerve right, making an illegal right hand turn.
OPTIONS: The road conditions are such that stopping in time is simply not an option. My choices were as follows.
1) Slam right into the S.O.B. Tempting, to be sure, but my car would likely take most of the damage and I'D be hitting him (complicated) and I'm uninsured. No go.
2) Swerve left and hit the SchoolbusFullOfLittleKiddies. Yeah. I avoid schoolbuses when driving as a general rule in the winter. The only thing worse than an accident is an accident where little kiddies are involved.
3) Swerve into the HugeAssSnowDrift that's literally 3X as tall as my car at 40 mph. Seriously. It was unfathomably huge and looked like the equivalent of slamming into an iceberg.
CONCLUSION: So right, I took one for the team. It sucked. I was yelling "WWWHHYYYYYY?!?!" as I slammed into the huge-ass iceberg and spinned out. First of all, the impact really sucked, I nailed my head pretty hard (still have a headache). Second, my car whipped around after the nose got stuck in and I nearly hit the SchoolBusFullOfKiddies any way... some angel must have squeezed between us at the last second and acted as a buffer, cuz it was damn close. And by that I mean I'm a damn good driver and controlled my spin. (*twiddles thumbs*) Third, the iceberg- I'm NOT exaggerating.. iceberg.. FINE, snowdrift.- avalanched down on top of me. Fortunately there was a car-full of kindly consctruction worker guys with lots of muscles behind me that helped dig/push my car out the iceberg (*glare*) it was so deeply imbedded in.
AFTERMATH: My head hurts. I am SO MAD that AssholeInTheDirtyRedCar and he'd better pray I don't find him (Yup. He didn't even stop.). And I was late for my Anatomy&Physiology Lab. On the bright side I didn't seem to suffer any brain damage cuz I aced the quiz/test thingy postponed from the snowday on Wednesday. But I suspect that one was because it was easy-- I'm NOT on my "A"-game in that class... Yet.
At any rate, I guess this makes me a Hero... y'know... protecting the LittleKiddies and masterfully manuvering my spin so I miss them by a hairsbreadth. Talk about finesse. Or something. But in all earnestness, I've decided that the real trick to being a good driver in inclement weather is Avoidance. I mean this. I really do. Avoidance of other drivers primarily, avoidance of slippery sludgy icy snowy crap secondly, and avoidance of potholes thirdly. This is the trick. Avoid these things like the plague and you can be a masterful life-saver, iceberg-demolisher too.
Labels: Car problems, Death, rant, Winter
Wow. And I was pissed off yesterday because the fish guy gave me the wrong fish. (*feels like a big baby*)
(Oh, and just for future reference, yellowTAIL is NOT the same as yellowFIN TUNA. Not even close.)
I'm glad you're not hurt!
wow. i dont know what is more impressive, your driving or your mad skills with that diagram. its perfect.
I'm so glad you made that diagram, because I didn't understand the logistics of it when you were telling me on the phone. Also, I'm so glad you weren't hurt. Also, I'm so glad there were musclemen to pull you out.
You should go into criminal evidence drawing division
I agree with all of the above comments, and particularly with the bit about the fish. They're just not the same.... anyway what was the damage to the car? All the mommies of those little kiddies should bake you cookies. You would smell their delicious aroma and then mail them to me with a couple bucks to buy me some milk!
It must be the week of bad car ju-ju: as I was tootling along to the grocery store, minding my own business, but, of course, paying attention to my surroundings, an older (not OLD, not middle aged, just "older"; fifties-ish) man in a LEXUS turned left out of a side street RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME.(That is, crossed my lane and the lane next to me, in order to go int he opposite direction the I was going in.) If I had BLINKED at the wrong time, I wouldn't have been able to slam on my brakes, and I *would* have T-Boned him, it was THAT close. I was all, I know that poor people are invisible to rich people, but that's just a little ridiculous, dontcha think?
you should post this on:
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