
Dear Mothers:

Now that I'm officially in school for nursing, I have more useful information knocking about inside me. For example:

I learned in my Anatomy and Physiology class that you're no longer supposed to give your child tylenol or what have you to bring down their fevers. Instead, you're to let the fever run its course. This is because chemical reactions occur more rapidly at higher temperatures, so your child's immune system can defeat whatever imposters are invading their body more efficiently when their temperature is slightly elevated. You get feverish for a reason.

That one's on the house.

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Blogger Krista said...

Thank you Mags, good reminder and perfect timing. Nick has had a fever for the past couple days, and I think Elijah woke up with one this morning. Pray for us!

Sun Jan 27, 12:24:00 PM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

Well, then what the heck are you supposed to do? watch your little babe squeal in agony until the fever runs its course?

Sun Jan 27, 04:46:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

It'll probably be more like moaning, writhing, whimpering, sweating, and staring around frantically with uncomprehending eyes...

Sun Jan 27, 04:49:00 PM  

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