
A bizarre little dilemma

Okay. So I have this little problem where I clench my right fist while I sleep. Fine. Kinda silly, but whatever, right? Wrong.

It's driving me crazy. I guess I clench it so hard while I'm asleep that it goes completely numb. Painfully numb. So much so that it wakes me up every night (hmm. day?) while I'm sleeping and I have to sit there trying to wake it up and get blood back into it. Very unpleasant in the middle of the night (I know. Day.) while you're trying to sleep- we're talking beyond mere pins and needles numb here. For the last couple weeks (yeah, this has been going on for a while) I've had to keep my fingernails real short so they don't break the skin. I've tried keeping something balled up in my hand so it won't clench so hard, tying things around it... it doesn't work, or stay that way. And now my wrist/forearm is chronically sore from it, and almost more concerning are the random stabs of pain during the day (when I'm awake). I'm getting pretty crabby about it. Suggestions? And does anyone else have weird "problems" like this??

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Blogger Kay Pea said...

Wear mittens to bed, you know like little babies wear so they dont scratch themselves with their fingernails. big wooly mittens.

Thu Jan 24, 09:42:00 AM  
Blogger mags said...

Already tried it. You can clench through mittens... I'm not so worried about the nails anymore cuz I keep them so short, it's the actual CLENCHING for hours on end that's the problem...

Thu Jan 24, 09:54:00 AM  
Blogger Lagartija said...

Hmmm... I have the teeth clenching thing, so I wear a special TMJ mouthguard for it. Maybe a hand brace or something, as if you'd broken your hand and couldn't move it...?

Thu Jan 24, 10:50:00 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

Yeah, a wrist brace was what I was going to suggest too. Enough to keep you from clenching I think. I also have similar problems, but its never every night, so they don't bother me too much. Last night I woke up to a finger that had no blood (don't ask me how I got just one finger that way) and for about 1/2 hour it was hurting so much I almost cried. It happens to different parts of my arm...

Thu Jan 24, 06:23:00 PM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

Well, I cannot sleep on my chest...it hurts my boobs. No matter what I do, I cannot get comfortable sleeping directly on my chest. Its weird because my chest is really not that big but even so, I cannot do it...i have to put my arm there or something or cross my arms over my chest and then lie down...does that qualify as weird?

Fri Jan 25, 10:14:00 AM  
Blogger mags said...

You freak.

Fri Jan 25, 03:00:00 PM  

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