
Bounty Hunting

So I was just watching the news and heard a little ad about the $25 million bounty the U.S. is offering for Osama Bin Laden- dead or alive.

I wonder which would be easier for someone like me: assassinating bin Laden or winning the lottery.

I have a plan, though.

First, I'm going to obtain a kick-ass firearm. A really mean fighting-machine firearm... but one without too much kick back. Cuz that freaks me out.

Second, I'm going to learn how to use it. I'll also probably read up on "Gun Facts," as cited in the links on the right-hand column. It's good to be informed on these issues, after all, especially as the owner of a firearm.

Third, I'm going to learn how to say "Hey there. You boys seen Osama lately?" and "Where is the bathroom?" in arabic. You know, essentials.

Fourth, I'm getting me a plane ticket to Iran or somewhere like that. Or maybe a ticket for "Destination: Ultra Secret Hiding Place Probably in the Middle East."

Fifth, I'm gonna find that bad man.

Sixth? Deactivation:

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Blogger Erin said...

Count me in. I'll bring the toilet paper.

Fri Jan 04, 09:52:00 AM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

You are going to get some crap for posting that picture. i'm just waiting for the islamic groups to find your blog and then crucify you for that picture...get ready to make the news. look what happened to those danish cartoonists...

Fri Jan 04, 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Raising an eyebrow and googling "danish cartoonists crucified by islamic groups."

Wait a minute... google is where I got it. I didn't even have to make my own "speaking" bubble... I just colored over the other remark someone else had made. They're gonna have to get that person first.

Fri Jan 04, 01:46:00 PM  

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