
Return of the Dan'l

(Why does that read so uncannily much like "Devil" when I read it fast??)

At any rate, remember how I was missing this guy? Well he's back and bad as ever. There was no snow to shovel today, but soon enough.

Instead I had him help me out with a "current events" presentation I had- by that I mean I had him find me an article given a few basic criteria and start me up on what could be said on it. This was very helpful as I was still finishing up my other 8 page paper I needed to turn in today for my communications class about one of my other brothers, and what a good communicator he is based on our text. That was fun.

Anyways, after that I took Dan'l to campus with me and he read a whole book- the one I've been taking with me EVERYWHERE the last two months, always meaning to read, but never found the time to. It's called Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I'm a little jealous he got to read it today, but pretty inspired. If he can do it...

Then we swung by the only Trader Joe's in Milwaukee which happens to be a couple blocks from Cardinal Stritch and picked up something to make for dinner tonight. We're going asian and it's going to be awesome-- shamefully easy to prepare. That would be a win-win-win.

After that we tried to drive home. When I say tried, what I mean is between the slushy wetness, sleet, saltiness, my being out of washer-fluid, and WORST OF ALL having busted up wipers (they froze to the windshield without my realizing it and one of them snapped all crooked when I tried to turn them on) it just wasn't happening. You could hardly discern the shape of a car 10 ft in front of you, much less stop signs. So we stopped at a gas station. They of course didn't have any, but next door (without our realizing it) was a hardware type store and we got some there... after several trips to the car to figure out what type to get. Not only did I not know how long mine are, I also couldn't remember what the hell time of car I have. "Saturn" didn't cut it somehow. Picky, picky hardware men. I ended up just saying it's a wagon and making up the year. So then we embarked upon changing them, and believe it or not, between the two of us Dan'l and I CAN figure out how to change a set of windshield wipers! It amused me how both of us first tried it ourselves, then switched to trying to read the instructions, took one look at the instructions and went back to trying to figure it out ourselves. Whatever. It worked. We had a strangely disproportionate sense of accomplishment afterwards, but hey. Get your kicks where you can, right?

Since we got home Dan'l's been setting up his own blog with which to dazzle us all. It should be available for your enjoyment in the near future here: Hope is the Thing with Feathers.

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"Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole day long? From morn to night my friend."
--Christina Rossetti

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