Questionable parenting techniques
Sometimes after relfecting upon my interactions with my 13 yo younger sister, I am disposed to wonder whether or not I would in fact make a good mother. For example, here was an exchange between her and I earlier today.
Context: I had just put on a pair of earring that I had given her for Christmas. What can I say, I have good taste.
Emily: Hey! Those are my earrings!
Maggie: Emily, you would do well to follow my Christ-like example. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
Emily: *slumping of shoulders and despairingly turning away*
And another later that evening.
Context: Earlier that morning, both Danny Boy and myself had seperately tried our hand at justifying the distributive property which Emily was not merely struggling with, but obstinately denying. This conversation took place in front of Emily.
Maggie: YOU explained it to her, too? That's impossible; I already proved it to her this morning!
Danny Boy: Yeah, well it clearly didn't take. The problem is that she doesn't BELIEVE it's true.
A few minutes later Emily freaked out upon the appearance of a spider, and cried out in dismay, "PLEASE Kill it!! It shouldn't be alive!!"
Maggie: I will kill it. --IFF you believe in the distributive property.
Somehow I suspect the abuse of Scriptual quotation and the use of blackmail to instill beliefs would not be kosher parenting.
Context: I had just put on a pair of earring that I had given her for Christmas. What can I say, I have good taste.
Emily: Hey! Those are my earrings!
Maggie: Emily, you would do well to follow my Christ-like example. The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away.
Emily: *slumping of shoulders and despairingly turning away*
And another later that evening.
Context: Earlier that morning, both Danny Boy and myself had seperately tried our hand at justifying the distributive property which Emily was not merely struggling with, but obstinately denying. This conversation took place in front of Emily.
Maggie: YOU explained it to her, too? That's impossible; I already proved it to her this morning!
Danny Boy: Yeah, well it clearly didn't take. The problem is that she doesn't BELIEVE it's true.
A few minutes later Emily freaked out upon the appearance of a spider, and cried out in dismay, "PLEASE Kill it!! It shouldn't be alive!!"
Maggie: I will kill it. --IFF you believe in the distributive property.
Somehow I suspect the abuse of Scriptual quotation and the use of blackmail to instill beliefs would not be kosher parenting.
Labels: Faith, family shmamily., Little Children, reservations, this is all wrong
"Somehow I suspect the abuse of Scriptual quotation and the use of blackmail to instill beliefs would not be kosher parenting."
Oh, I am SCREWED. (Or maybe my future kids are...)
the skies will turn black the day you decide to raise children...
just kidding... I'm sure you won't be that bad.. and at least your kids will have funny stories to tell... well... everyone...
Someone I know has a 3 yr old and a 1 1/2 yr old, and the 3 yr old was telling the younger that she had to obey whatever he said because he was pretty sure that was in the Bible somewhere. It starts early. :)
Also, I tagged you on my website, I hope you do it. :)
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