
Neti Pots

Okay, I am now officially a Neti Pot convert.

My dear brother Matt, a daily jala neti practitioner for some time now, got me a pot (SinuCleanse being readily available at local pharmacies, and incidentally formulated and marketed by my second cousin, Diane Heatley, M.D. I've got an awesome family, what can I say.) because I was coming down with a cold and my sinuses were clearly stuffed up. Not only is this the fastest recovery time I've ever had for a cold, but I can BREATH BETTER than normally, even while sick! It's crazy how much better I can breathe, I'm in shock. Also, it's been helping me sleep through the night... I've known for a long time I have some mild form of sleep apnea, common enough but whatcha gonna do really... but I've noticed I wake up a lot less and am not as restless while sleeping since I started netiing daily. It's fantastic.

I think everybody should start cleaning their noses as often as their teeth.

Also, it helps with allergies, nasal congestion, dry air, post-smoking or being around a campfire getting all that crap out, shortening the length of a cold, post-nasal drip, all sorts of things. So yeah. Get a neti pot, guys. It's great.

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Blogger Lagartija said...

I'm going to start using mine again, after reading your inspiring blog post, maggie.

Wed Sep 19, 02:01:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

I live to serve, darling.

Wed Sep 19, 10:37:00 PM  
Blogger Lagartija said...

I told Matt how you revived my interest and he said, "Yes. Preaching the gospel of Neti..."

Fri Sep 21, 09:28:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Haha! Note Kateri on Facebook. Those two are peas in a pod when it comes to the neti.

Sat Sep 22, 12:21:00 AM  

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