
Things I learned in my first week of school

1. Other cultures have identified other senses than the five classical senses (taste, touch, sight, sound, hearing)... for example, the sense of "spiciness." This is not simply breaking down the sense of taste, however, it was something that extended to personal relationships. If your friendship was "spicy" it meant you were more intimate with one another. Although, food did come into play: you would serve spicier food to people with whom you had a spicier connection. Innnteresting. Is that where we got the notion of needing to "spice things up" in relationships, perhaps? I did a little research on it online (about 25 minutes) and didn't find too much on the subject, but I'm gonna ask my prof. where she read about that cuz I'm totally interested in reading more about that. How fascinating...

2. People carry around 25lbs + of stool in their intestines at any given time. When Elvis Presley died he had over 40lbs. Now we know where the "full of ****" expression comes from, too.

Seriously fascinating, huh? Well... I mean, I learned more than just that, but I've judged those two to be the most bloggable tidbits. I hope you guys enjoyed them as much as me. Seriously... that last one makes me want to go down a bottle of laxatives....

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Blogger Lagartija said...

I wish i could poop it all out! That would be so easy...

Wed Sep 05, 12:42:00 PM  
Blogger Krista said...

Geez, I didn't know it was so easy to lose weight. Here I am, stressing about post-pregnancy fat and all I really have to do is take some laxatives. Thanks mags, you have saved me.

Wed Sep 05, 07:33:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Well... it is kind of a temporary fix. The stool's kinda there for a reason... you know, the whole absorption of nutrients thing..

Sat Sep 08, 01:10:00 PM  

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