
Type II Interactions or Incidents

Okay, so I need some serious help here. I'm trying to write this letter and I need some Type II Interactions or Incidents to beef it up with and make it a rich read. But I'm just blanking out here! Anybody have anything I've told them lately that'd fit the criterions? I guess I should explain what those are.

Type I: Fairly topical brushing the surface; the kinds of things you'd talk about with a complete stranger, or just about anyone.

Type II: The type of things that are fun and beautiful and poetic: like flying a kite, or singing in the car at the top of your lungs on a roadtrip, or going "sledding" down a muddy hill in the rain, or watching a beautiful sunrise. Stuff you'd do with or share with people you're becoming intimate with or already are intimate with. Joy and Laughter. The Spice of Life.

Type III: Exclusively intimate. I shan't elaborate cuz it's personal. But you all know what I mean. Sometimes Type II and Type III can be the same activity or experience, but with a different flavor or context. Just thought I'd point that out.

By the way, this understanding is all plagiarized from Phil- he made these distinctions to me first and I'm just regurgitating. (Guess I'm not plagiarizing anymore, though- consider yourself cited, Baby.)

But yeah, I just can't believe I don't have any Type II stuff coming to mind from lately... am I becoming boring and all shriveled up??


Blogger Krista said...

Hum, how about sitting out on the lawn at tac and listening to the guitar while buttface tried to get my phone number and you gave him nicks? i'm not quite sure what you are looking for, but i felt closer to you after that. :)

Wed Sep 05, 12:37:00 AM  
Blogger mags said...

Ha ha! That's RIGHT!
For some reason I was thinking of the time in Santa Cruz where we were all singing in public and you were the only person who could pull it off without showing embarassment. That delighted me.

Wed Sep 05, 09:18:00 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

Um, that WAS after multiple sake bombs if I remember correctly. I've never had so many so quickly before, I don't think showing embarassment would have been possible for me that night. :)

Wed Sep 05, 07:31:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Wait... so... drinking lessons your inhibitions..??

Sat Sep 08, 01:09:00 PM  

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