
Find a penny, pick it up...

... and someday you'll have saved enough pennies to buy an ipod!! That's my plan. Several of my family members have ipods and I seriously covet them. But I really cannot afford to be spending money on anything so frivolous and non-essential. So I've consolidated my piggy banks, and collected all the loose change around the apartment when we were moving (you'd be surprised how much change you can find around your house, people), and my piggy bank now weighs over 20 lbs (yes, I weighed my piggy bank. Don't you?), and there's at least $80 I'm guestimating from how much of it was quarters. Not bad. Not bad at all.

I'm hoping that by next year I'll have saved enough change to reach my goal. And then I too will be among the ipod elite.

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Blogger Erin said...

Hey, sounds like a good idea! I'm gonna join you, and I have to start from scratch, since I JUST cashed in our change jar (fifty bucks, woot) and put it in our savings account.
(Maybe you can get an Ipod on ebay, for 80 ish?)

Fri Aug 03, 03:57:00 PM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

Oh please mags...you dont want to buy into all that hipster crap. save your pennies and buy an iPHONE.

Fri Aug 03, 06:03:00 PM  

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