
Worthless Degrees

Why is it that TAC credits are worth absolutely jack-shit anywhere else. I find it so incredibly hard to believe that I have a B.A. in liberal arts, yet I don't even have equivalent credits for things as basic as English 101.

I mean... my education at TAC isn't necessarily HURTING me as far as going back to school goes (exactly), but dontcha think that a four year investment in a liberal arts degree might HELP ya just a tiny little bit?? Especially when a lot of the required courses (in addition to the core curriculum for nursing) are "liberal arts" stuff? Is that too much to hope for?

I'm thinking about making a T-shirt that says, "I went to TAC and all I got was my totally kick-ass boyfriend."

Yeah. Maybe I shouldn't be complaining...

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Blogger LMO said...

when i tried to transfer credits from TAC to UTA, i got nada but billions of elective hours. But i ended up being able to knock out most of the prerequisite classes by talking to the head prof of each dept. I showed them a write up of what was read in each class each year, talked to them briefly, and they almost all ended up writing letters to vouch for me having the "equivalent" of certain math/history/science classes at normal schools. A weeks worth of meetings and phone calls saved me almost 3 semesters of classes.

Sun Jul 22, 11:34:00 PM  

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