

Is seriously addictive. Yet I still don't know if I even like it or not. It's just so... handy. But so... impersonal. I mean, especially when I notice how asianKP apparently has 550-some friends or something crazy like that. I mean, not to make an example out of you or anything, but seriously asianKP! Are you really FRIENDS with that many people? I guess there's something to be said for having people on there you'd like to be better friends with... a lot of people I'm friends with on facebook already I'd more LIKE to know them well enough to be friends, rather than that I already do. Or used to be good friends with them but time and distance has chilled such prospects. But isn't 500+ a bit excessive? Do you really KNOW all those people? Would you recognize them all on the street, remember their name, and have stuff to talk about? Cuz that's pretty impressive. I did't even remember who all the 170 contacts in my phone are. I guess you have their photos/profiles/etc. on facebook to help you out as opposed to just a name, but still. I ask you. Are all 550 of those people your friends...?

I guess I mainly just object to the terminology when in reality on most peoples sites it's just a really handy networking/staying in touch tool. And sure, most of the people you want to network through and stay in touch with are friends... and if you had options to call them "acquaintances" it would get real sticky... but still. I guess I just feel like it's undermining real, substantial friendships.

Maybe I'm just irrationally hung up on it and I'll get over it in a week, though... Because it is pretty damn cool.

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