
Bike Thieves

Okay, so I've been sitting outside with the laptop while my 4 year old neice rides her bike to the corner and back over and over again. Well a few minutes ago I look up to see her coming trotting down the block in the distance(it's a long block and my sister is second from the corner)... trotting, meaning, NOT on her bike. So I am instantly panicked- did some bully steal her bike? I'm furious..

But then I see the bike just sitting there at the corner. Turns out she just didn't feel like pedaling any more and left it.

Maybe my childhood was... different... but I remember being ALWAYS paranoid about my bike being stolen. Mainly because we had over a dozen bikes stolen over the years and it was my prized posession, but wow. Even as an adult I get all riled up thinking about some stupid punk jacking a bike. Anyways. That was my 10 seconds of distress for the afternoon in a nutshell.

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