

Pretty interesting movie. Or at least I thought so. Tomorrow after Mass and before the gym I think I'm gonna go to the library and get some books on Robert Hanssen and write him a letter in prison.

How does someone go from daily Mass and being a "practicing" Catholic to being the most destructive spy known to any country in the history of mankind? Pretty freaking crazy. I guess it goes to show you how going through the motions just isn't enough. But still. I wonder what the priest said to him when he confessed. That I'll never know, but I do wonder how he justified what he was doing in his mind? The movie said 1) it was a pride issue- and enjoyable at that... being the head of a committee trying to find the mole, when you ARE the mole, and 2) he somehow thought he was teaching the US that it's security measures were no good, and the way to do this was to undermine them himself. Crazy. But still, there must be more to it than that.

So that's why I'm reading up on him. And I really want to write him, because my heart goes out to him... granted, what he did was inexcusable and reflects badly on the Faith, but to be serving a life sentence, 23 hours a day in solitary confinement? I dunno. I guess if you spent most your time prayer you could pretend you were a cloistered monk or something... Although, I doubt that's the case. Anyways. I'll post when I actually know what it is I want to say to Robert Hanssen. That'll be more interesting...



Blogger Krista said...

Nick has met the guy before...

Thu Aug 02, 09:50:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

No joke?? When? And why?

My cousin and brothers know his kids?...

Thu Aug 02, 10:38:00 PM  
Blogger Krista said...

When he went to visit his Godparents years and years ago. They went to church with him and introduced him as "this guy works for the FBI, isn't that cool?"

So weird. So of course we had to go see the movie right when it came out. I found it very interesting as well, expecially since according to Nick's godparents and the movie, he was a practicing catholic and was always at church... you're right though, I think its a good reminder that the motions are not enough.

Fri Aug 03, 01:31:00 PM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

yes. your cousin does know the family and they are an amazing family. mr. hanssen is a traitor yes, but all people make mistakes whether they are catholic or not.
the movie, in my opinion, makes him appear to be using his catholicism as a cover which is not the case. he was a catholic and he had struggles, internal conflicts, probably something none of us can ever fanthom.

Fri Aug 03, 02:58:00 PM  

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