
New Apartment!

Yeah, so we're moving again. A mere 3 or 4 months later, you inquire? What the? Yeah. I know. I feel the same way-- talk about a whole lot of work. But I think we need to be someplace where the noises of the night don't routinely involve excessive sirens and gunshots. It's worth it.

My tone lacks fervor, I realize... we ARE really excited about the new place, it's just that all the work, finances and details involved in yet another huge life transition are still a bit daunting. This new place in addition to having heat included, onsite laundry, fun local places to go that you feel comfortable walking to, a fantastic view, and a deck on the roof besides for more viewing pleasure (all of which this current place lacks), it will also save us some time (it's alot closer to work/school for both of us), and likely money too. Oh, and we've never observed any thugs over there.

It's located downtown on the east side, two blocks from Lake Michigan near the Marina. We're on the 7th floor, and there were fantastic breezes up there when you open the window, plus it's way brighter because the brick of the neighbor's house a mere 5 ft away doesn't block the light like with our current residence. Nice. Also, it's less than a mile from Columbia St. Mary's Hospital, where I'm in the application process for several positions including in the Med/Surg, Labor and Delivery, and Burn units. At least one of those positions also would enable me to work the same amount of hours (with higher pay), but in 3 nights a week instead of 4... which would be the difference between night and day next school year. I'd be NOT working more nights than I would be. HELLOOoooo SLEEP!

So basically my present future is bursting with opportunity, potential, and brightness... it's just up to me to get the rallying energy together to go for it. I'm quietly optimistic at present with brief flashes of doubt, worry, and indecision. But I suspect in the near future I'm likely to get pretty damn fired up and excited about everything as things start happening... and I can't wait.

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"Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole day long? From morn to night my friend."
--Christina Rossetti

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