Sanitization Elimination
Yeah. Maybe this is a little backwards. It's good to be cleanly. Real good. I'm just starting to think I'm getting a bit obsessive. I purell most EVERYTHING. Purell has become almost exclusively a verb for me. I actually think in my head, "I so gotta purrell that bitch," as I size up the sink in the bathroom, planning out the order in which I'm going to touch what. It's like the cleanest game of chess EV-ER. Toilet seats, grocery carts, MY OWN STEERING WHEEL, the keyboard on my laptop, everything. Purelled. It's just too much.
So as of today I'm cutting myself off. I'm only sanitizing my hands at work. I'm still allowing for handwashing, but I can't be carrying sanitizer anymore. I'm NOT OCD. There is no excuse for this crazy...
So as of today I'm cutting myself off. I'm only sanitizing my hands at work. I'm still allowing for handwashing, but I can't be carrying sanitizer anymore. I'm NOT OCD. There is no excuse for this crazy...
Labels: Nerdiness, this is all wrong
I go in spurts of this, like when pink-eye is going around, because I have a serious phobic paranoia about getting pink-eye. Or like yesterday when a friend had her daughter wait in my car with Jimmy while we walked the older kids up to the school drop off line, and then on the way back she told me her daughter had a "snotty nose" and sure enough I opened the door to find her holding her hand under her nose and a HUGE pile of yellow boogers hanging out of her nose down to her hand. When we got to mom's to operate on Jimmy's splinter in his foot, I ran in and got Lysol and sprayed down the car! A moment of anality I was unable to squlech.
I think moderation is key here. I mean I don't want my kids eating food straight off a restaurant table and you obviously have to sanitize constantly at your work. But day to day, I think the over sterilization and "antibacterial" everything is part of why so many kids are actually getting SICKER, and part of why there are so many allergies and athsma. Unfortunately, without slowly building up resistance to things in the environment and even germs, kids are then more vulnerable to the very things you try to avoid having harm them.
I don't know how it works with adults, but obviously it gets to a point where if you don't have OCD yet, you might get it from driving yourself crazy!!
Did you know the average desk is dirtier than the average office toilet seat?
Just a thought.
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