Blog Elitism
I think it's a shame that some blogs, like say, "", are invite-only. What's so secret? How does one get to be cool enough for an invite? I hugely protest this!!
I was very curious to read this blog, as given my interaction with the author I have a strong suspicion that it would be an incredily interesting, even diverting, read. However, since I discovered my inability to access said blog, my desire to read it has been heightened 10-fold. Perhaps it's some sort of marketing ploy they teach you when you're in school for business. It certainly works.
But little does lanctoninhonduras know... I am privy to lagartija's passwords. So once my curiosity peaks I'll probably cave to unethical behaviors and do a little spying...
I wasn't born like this lanctoninhonduras. You made me this way by withholding and not inviting me to be a member of your secret community of the elite...
I was very curious to read this blog, as given my interaction with the author I have a strong suspicion that it would be an incredily interesting, even diverting, read. However, since I discovered my inability to access said blog, my desire to read it has been heightened 10-fold. Perhaps it's some sort of marketing ploy they teach you when you're in school for business. It certainly works.
But little does lanctoninhonduras know... I am privy to lagartija's passwords. So once my curiosity peaks I'll probably cave to unethical behaviors and do a little spying...
I wasn't born like this lanctoninhonduras. You made me this way by withholding and not inviting me to be a member of your secret community of the elite...
The only time I ever actually APPLAUDED a blog going private was some guy who used to comment over on my sister's blog a lot. Most of his posts were full of the beginnings of a piece of information but then he'd trail off and say something like, "But I don't want to talk about that, that's PRIVATE!" Well, why do you have a blog, genius? It was like a trainwreck; I kept going back for my daily dose of bemused irritation. FINALLY it went private and I was like "He's kind of getting the point, now..."
Other than that example, I'm not too sure I see the point of having a WEBLOG if you're going to make it private. If you *know* you have a particular audience, well, that's what mass emails are for! (Don't you have to invite people via email, anyways? The mind, it boggles.)
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Hey, what do you mean you are privvy to my passwords!!!
And also, I already explained to you the very good reason lanctoninhonduras had to go private.
ps the deleted comment was me- it was the same comment but somehow my exclamation marks didn't show up so I had to put them back in.
Uhhhh... if you did, I don't remember? I must have been in one of my "I haven't slept in two days" periods.
It's a really good reason, huh? *brainstorming*
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