A Sincere Apology to Readers
Okay, WHY didn't one of you give me a heads up about the title of my last post!! Dear Lord. I was just checking out "stats" for the blog this morning and I noticed that we'd gotten hits from someone seaching "how to kiss a camel." That's a bit random and vaguely disturbing, but many searches are. We were #8 on such a search. But when I was looking at it... I noticed that #6 was "What does 'kiss the camel' mean?" So I thought to myself, "Well look at that... it's an actual expression? Other peoples boyfriends confuse them with camels, too! Haha!!" And then I read the answer. And I must say, I'm truly mortified. I am so sorry guys. No wonder no one commented on that post. How incredibly embarrassing. I swear I didn't know. And thanks to the pervy person from Malaysia or Romania who went to the blog searching for that crap... I would never have known what an idiot I am if it weren't for you. I'm gonna go be miserable somewhere now far, far away from the internet...
Labels: awkward, no no no, this is all wrong
I must be pretty naive too, because I (still) have no idea what it means...???
I am also mortified b/c I posted to please pray for the mom of BB's classmate and somehow now my blog is the #1 search result for that mom's name. No matter what I've done to try to change that,changing my setting so search engines won't link to my blog, even taking her name out of the post, it still comes up with the cached page and links to my blog! The family hasn't posted an obituary or published the service times yet so people are googling her to try to find out about that and it comes up with "Is your mama a llama?" and her name!! :(
Help, please!!!
Hahaha...I'm sorry to take pleasure in your pain but I find both your exhibits to be hilariously scary proofs of the power of the internet and how it can change your lives.
but i'm also curious as to how you gauge traffic to the blog? if anyone can help me that would be great. then maybe i can have some mortifying experience as well...
(I use statcounter.com. It's free and very cool.)
Mags, I would never have known, either, so we can revel in our innocence together. (Although maybe I'm not as innocent as I like to think I am, since, as soon as you mentioned this, I was all, "Wait, what would that mean-OOOOOOOH. Gross.") :P
Sorry to tell you Mags, but it STILL comes up in a search... I guess it's what Lagartija says, it doesn't matter if you erase it.
Do I want to know? No.
Curses. That is so freaking awkward. Thank you all for being so gracious at any rate.
That leads me to another question then... I view posts as drafts and I'll oftentimes edit them and alter/add/delete stuff as many as 5 or 6 times as I would a paper... after I've published. If I bother, I usually I do all these revisions within the first half hour or so, it's just that I need distance from it to see my typos. I usually multi-task when I'm online. Does that mean people can search and get my unrevised- uncut- versions??
Also, KP: I'm sorry, I know you've asked twice now. I've been using Goggle Analytics. It's pretty thorough. It gives break downs of pretty much eeeeverything about people who visit your site. How they got there, what country they're from with a cool little map for visual affect, how long they spend per page on average, whether it's their first time or they're a repeat visitor, how often repeat people visit...blahblah on and on. It's pretty nifty. They have how-to directions step by step on the site, but if you want me to help you with it you can either give me a call or Matt and I will prolly be down in your area sometime next week. We should hang out.
I just set up sitemeter.com and they also do everything. It tells you the country, city, and state of the visitor, how they got there (through a search or link) and where they went when they left (if they clicked on any of your links).
And don't worry Mags, really. How could you know? I accidentally say bad/dirty things all the time only because I have no clue that they mean anything.
Thank you erin, krista and mags.
OH DEAR. Maggie, today someone from the UK visited my blog because he (and I'm assuming it's a he) googled "bottom wiping blog". My post about wiping Jimmy's bottom must have catapulted my blog up there among the ranks of the bottom wiping blogs, or rather, sank it down to those depths. I mean, really would there be a whole blog about bottom wiping? UGH
asiankp, that gassy girl post has got to be getting you some hits on your blog...
Do you have that counter up yet?
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