I feel like a muppet
Life is just happening way too fast! This morning I had a paper I turned in for one class, then in my next class I had to give a presentation on a research paper I wrote (much stressful... I goofy smile and nervous laugh and talk really fast a lot when I'm nervous), and then I went straight to the doctor. And then I convinced my doctor (who's really a nurse practitioner) to set up another appointment with me on Wednesday so I could interview her for ANOTHER class that I have to write up a report for based on this interview I do on a healthcare professional and she has to snail mail to my professor this rubrik grading me and stuff (a very detailed one, nonetheless) and I think she likes me so she'll rate me well. So right. One more "Check!" on my to do list. Then I had to go straight from the doctor to "work" where I filled out all my craptonload of paperwork (psssh. healthcare. NO, I've never hit any old people. Eesh.), had more TB injected under my skin, took a drug test, worked out a schedule, and recieved a complimentary gait belt. I start training Wednesday. Wednesday's going to suck. Also, I have 2 papers I have to write tonight due tomorrow (one I have a draft finished already for at least) and another tomorrow due... guess when!... Wednesday. AAHAHHHHHHHH!!!!! Too much. Too fast. I'm all nervous and skiddish and jumpy and muppetesque. At least school will be over for a month in another week or two so I can actually adjust to this job. I'm nervous. So yeah, who wants to go shopping for scrubs tomorrow afternoon?
Labels: Ramble
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