

Okay, I think it's great to turn to the Lord in your time of need. But the last several weeks whenever I go on facebook, this girl who asked to be my friend who I haven't held a conversation with... ever... in my memory, and who I guess I went to the same highschool as (though I'm not even sure if we were there at the same time... I think our families went to the same church?)... asked to be my friend. So I said "OK" on facebook, because one of the few things I do remember about her is that she didn't have many friends and was incredibly volatile and depressive. That's all I know about her. So I made her my friend.

ANYWAYS she's got this saga going on where she broke up with this guy... and yeah. I hate to say it, but it makes me sick. Every time I'm on facebook it has another horribly awkward comment about her journey to emotional healing in the wake of this guy. One of her Favorite Activities on her profile is "kneeling at the foot of the cross, begging God to heal her broken heart." Maybe I'm just a bad Christian or something, but somehow I find this to be a huge turn off, particularly displayed on a public profile that everyone I know reads. I'm more into that praying behind closed doors thing. And not sharing grief with anyone other than good friends. Am I insensitive for being so put off by this?

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Blogger Krista said...

How about the story in the Bible with the two different ways of praying? Loud and Public, or quiet and penitent... Just a thought. I agree with you, and I don't think its insensitive or cynical. I think some people want to pray that 'loud' to get noticed. Not a good reason...

Mon Nov 26, 02:10:00 AM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

Mags...totally agree with you. Sometimes, some things are better left behind closed doors. true, there are several different ways of praying but voicing those opinions on a medium such as Facebook is, in my mind, just too much. Although I might be the only person in the free world who doesnt think the Facebook profile should be taken seriously.

Mon Nov 26, 09:19:00 AM  
Blogger Erin said...

I don't think you're being insensitive...I've actually UNfriended someone for a similar reason, except it wasn't *just* their profile; they kept sending out notes and mass messages...yikes. My thinking was I could still keep them in my prayers without them rubbing it in my face every time I logged on. (And, as in this case, it was someone I rarely see in "real life".)

Mon Nov 26, 10:03:00 AM  
Blogger michaelonbass said...

I agree with you.

The Lord doesn't need us begging anyway. He taught us how to pray.


Wed Nov 28, 09:37:00 PM  

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