
One of My Dreamboats

So lately I've been daydreaming about living on a houseboat. At least part of the year. I mean seriously... how fantastic would that be! Sunrises and sunsets out on the water! Fishing off the deck (okay, so I don't exactly know much about fishing, but I'm a quick learner)! The soothing rhythms of the water! Nature sounds without a CD! What's that you say? Your neighbor's dog wakes you up every morning at 5am with it's incessant barking? No problem! You're MOBILE without the stigma of being trailer trash! And there's so many varying degrees of it... it doesn't have to be a permanent situation, it could be something more dreamy (in my opinion), like this baby:

I mean seriously. How cool would that be? I'm feelin' the romance of it all already... happy sigh. What a dreamboat.

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Blogger Lagartija said...

Ooh, after throwing up ten times in a row this morning (morning sickness) I am NOT feeling the romance of it at the moment!

But I can see how the idea of it would sound romantic to a non-seasick person!

Wed Nov 28, 09:30:00 AM  
Blogger Krista said...

I'll go with you! I love boats and that one looks awesome.

Wed Nov 28, 01:17:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

Here's the question, Krista:

Do we get a really cool teaset for having tea out on the deck in the twilight and risk it breaking or go cheap to plan for accidents and ruin the aesthetics??

Fri Nov 30, 06:18:00 PM  

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