
My other Dreamboat

Maybe I could shoot for a Double-Whammy...

(PS to Noah: Why do I not have any pictures of your face looking at the camera on my computer?? I tried every single one I had, but none of them would work for my jibjab creations... see coming posts... At any rate, could you fix that for me?)

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Blogger LMO said...

this is an incredibly awesome photo.

btw - i've also been thinking about the house boat thing... i was thinking that after seeing a good portion of the US in an RV, i could trade in the RV for a house boat and toodle down some coast line for a while. the thing is, i HATE fish... and i dunno how well i would handle marina food.

also - the weigh in is next weekend. will we see your $20 by then or what???

Fri Nov 30, 01:20:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

It IS an incredibly awesome photo. Swoon. :)

As for my $20, I put it in the mail today, so yes.

Sat Dec 01, 03:19:00 PM  

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