I finished selling my car to a super cool guy named Egor today!! I'm so freaking happy!
It was kinda ridiculous though... pretty much everything that could have been embarrassing was. I told him coming between 5 and 6 tonight would work out great. Then he showed up, but for some reason our doorbell wasn't working so they were out there forever and finally called the house... while we were in the middle of my mom's birthday dinner that I wasn't told was going to happen until after I committed to a time to him. So right, I go get the door and they come in- and someone moved all my paperwork, the title, the bill of sale, and what not. So RIGHT I go searching all over for it like an idiot while they're standing there uncomfortably.
In the meantime happy family sounds and laughter can be heard intermingled with childish squeals of both delight and dismay from my neice and nephew. And THEN they all start singing happy birthday.. and this guy is SO UNCOMFORTABLE. He and his brother (who drove with them there so he could pick up the car) just looked at each other with this pained awkward look and he started apologizing and saying I should have told him. But the thing is I didn't KNOW we're were doing a birthday thing until he was already on his way! So right... what do I do? I lie, of course! Like a total idiot, I go right ahead without batting an eye and lie in a feeble attempt to make them feel more at ease. And it wasn't even a GOOD lie. I make up a family member who's birthday it is like "my brother in law's brother" trying to make it seem more distant and try to explain that I didn't know about the birthday thing until the last minute myself. So then they're slightly more comfortable... but then in walks my adorable little neice! So they strikes up an amiable conversation with her... and she offers that it's her Grandma's birthday... right after I introduce her as my neice. They know it's my parents house. *slaps forehead* What sort of daughter am I, anyways?? So right, I looked quickly down at my paperwork trying to suppress an embarrassed grin and pretending not to notice. Again... squirmingly awkward.
So right! I ran outside to get the odometer reading for on the title, and guess what. I can't get the door open. The car's been just sitting outside the last couple weeks and in the meantime it snowed a few days ago and then rained on top of it and then turned all that snow slush into a thick 5 inch crust of ice on everything. So I'm trying and trying and trying other doors and trying... no luck. Finally I have to go back inside and red-faced explain this to them. So they come out to help. Still no luck. Then I go inside to see if my dad has a crowbar or something we can use to pry it and they tell me I need to use a hair dryer and an extension cord. So just as I'm shamefacedly trudging back outside, gay-ass hair dryer in hand instead of a manly crowbar, he calls out that he got it open. Huzzah!! Close call. For real. I really didn't want to go out there like a girl with a hair dryer. I mean, I AM a girl. But it's a CAR we're "working on" here! And crowbars are manly; hair dryers are girly gay. Anyways.
They had brought lightbulbs for the headlight that was out, and so when he went to change it... turns out it was just in there loose and all I had to do was twist it more! Eesh. Why didn't I think of that? And then we tried to move the car from the ice-covered drift it was embedded in. The shovel was pretty much ineffective because the ice was harder and thicker. We were pushing and pushing and shoveling and pushing and finally got it loose. It was pretty silly and took a full hour for everything all told. But fun. They were damn good sports and made me laugh.
The only problem was it was my mom's Birthday and apparently the reason they were having the birthday dinner was so I could be there to give mom her Christmas-Birthday Present (Bose ipod dock... sweeeeetness!!), and then I ended up missing it afterall.... there was a wee bit of harumphing and unpleasantry about me. I'm such an uncanny bad guy. It was pretty unfortunate that would should have been a pretty quick exchange- sign the title, do a keys-for-cash handoff, and give a friendly wave buh bye-, ended up being such a fiasco. Why does it seem like every time one thing gets done, another gets messed up! Oh well. Do whatcha gotta do.
I'm just so glad that Egor is as happy about the whole deal as I am...
It was kinda ridiculous though... pretty much everything that could have been embarrassing was. I told him coming between 5 and 6 tonight would work out great. Then he showed up, but for some reason our doorbell wasn't working so they were out there forever and finally called the house... while we were in the middle of my mom's birthday dinner that I wasn't told was going to happen until after I committed to a time to him. So right, I go get the door and they come in- and someone moved all my paperwork, the title, the bill of sale, and what not. So RIGHT I go searching all over for it like an idiot while they're standing there uncomfortably.
In the meantime happy family sounds and laughter can be heard intermingled with childish squeals of both delight and dismay from my neice and nephew. And THEN they all start singing happy birthday.. and this guy is SO UNCOMFORTABLE. He and his brother (who drove with them there so he could pick up the car) just looked at each other with this pained awkward look and he started apologizing and saying I should have told him. But the thing is I didn't KNOW we're were doing a birthday thing until he was already on his way! So right... what do I do? I lie, of course! Like a total idiot, I go right ahead without batting an eye and lie in a feeble attempt to make them feel more at ease. And it wasn't even a GOOD lie. I make up a family member who's birthday it is like "my brother in law's brother" trying to make it seem more distant and try to explain that I didn't know about the birthday thing until the last minute myself. So then they're slightly more comfortable... but then in walks my adorable little neice! So they strikes up an amiable conversation with her... and she offers that it's her Grandma's birthday... right after I introduce her as my neice. They know it's my parents house. *slaps forehead* What sort of daughter am I, anyways?? So right, I looked quickly down at my paperwork trying to suppress an embarrassed grin and pretending not to notice. Again... squirmingly awkward.
So right! I ran outside to get the odometer reading for on the title, and guess what. I can't get the door open. The car's been just sitting outside the last couple weeks and in the meantime it snowed a few days ago and then rained on top of it and then turned all that snow slush into a thick 5 inch crust of ice on everything. So I'm trying and trying and trying other doors and trying... no luck. Finally I have to go back inside and red-faced explain this to them. So they come out to help. Still no luck. Then I go inside to see if my dad has a crowbar or something we can use to pry it and they tell me I need to use a hair dryer and an extension cord. So just as I'm shamefacedly trudging back outside, gay-ass hair dryer in hand instead of a manly crowbar, he calls out that he got it open. Huzzah!! Close call. For real. I really didn't want to go out there like a girl with a hair dryer. I mean, I AM a girl. But it's a CAR we're "working on" here! And crowbars are manly; hair dryers are girly gay. Anyways.
They had brought lightbulbs for the headlight that was out, and so when he went to change it... turns out it was just in there loose and all I had to do was twist it more! Eesh. Why didn't I think of that? And then we tried to move the car from the ice-covered drift it was embedded in. The shovel was pretty much ineffective because the ice was harder and thicker. We were pushing and pushing and shoveling and pushing and finally got it loose. It was pretty silly and took a full hour for everything all told. But fun. They were damn good sports and made me laugh.
The only problem was it was my mom's Birthday and apparently the reason they were having the birthday dinner was so I could be there to give mom her Christmas-Birthday Present (Bose ipod dock... sweeeeetness!!), and then I ended up missing it afterall.... there was a wee bit of harumphing and unpleasantry about me. I'm such an uncanny bad guy. It was pretty unfortunate that would should have been a pretty quick exchange- sign the title, do a keys-for-cash handoff, and give a friendly wave buh bye-, ended up being such a fiasco. Why does it seem like every time one thing gets done, another gets messed up! Oh well. Do whatcha gotta do.
I'm just so glad that Egor is as happy about the whole deal as I am...
Labels: awkward, I love my family, Little Children, Lying
LOL, so funny to hear it from the other side of the story. I didn't know you guys were inside hearing the birthday singing and then Barbara was chatting them up! Also, I feel really bad b/c the same caller ID had called a good 10 minutes earlier and no one answered the phone! Oops. Also, a corwbar was totaly uncalled for in this situation. Dad kept chuckling to himself about that. There is no shame in the hairdryer trick. That is how it's done, babe.
Ten minutes?? Oops. Wow... I REALLY hope they weren't out there that long!!! They were crazy nice boys. Real sweet and polite... yet normal enough to be harrassable. I'd feel really bad if they were outside ringing the frozen, not-working doorbell that long in the cold.
Were they foreign? Or just happened to be named EGOR
does the man who bought your car moonlight as an adorable grey donkey? Oh wait, thats Eeyore.
HAHA. funny story indeed. its funny sometimes our family puts way too much emphasis on a PARTICULAR family moment like the actual gift giving moment, which you missed, or singing happy birthday, etc. I dont know...
Great story Mags, it made me smile lots and lots. :) Speaking of Hair Dryers... once while dating Nick he was working on my car and asked me to bring my hair dryer... um yeah. I didn't have one then, and I still don't have one. I was kind of embarassed to have to admit to him that I didn't have this staple of womanhood.
Me neither, Krista!! It's terrible, though, because you can't really afford to not with Wisconsin winters. Your hair freezes. One of the pluses about living at home is that I can steal my mom's, though. And I haven't gotten sick yet!
oh, and hey... his name isn't REALLY Egor... I just call him that because he was in a horrible construction accident that turned his face into mashed potatoes and deformed him. Egor seemed like an appropriate nickname.
... But dont't worry, he had reconstructive surgeries and now you can hardly tell.
So he told you his life story did he?
You'd better beg your lucky stars you weren't trying to imply anything by that...
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