
Never Quit the Fight

Never Quit A collection of articles by Ralph Peters, retired intelligence officer, about Iraq, the war on terror generally, the US armed forces and the strategic concerns that should be shaping our preparations for future war. I recommend it if you would like to see a different perspective from the usual news media coverage of Iraq, find yourself unsure of how much you really care or just enjoy thinking about these sorts of things. As suggested by the title, Peters' message is optimistic overall but not blindly or naively so in most areas. I won't say he's the pure and stainless voice of objective reason but his relative independence from the Bush and anti-all-that-is-Bush factions is a much better background for analysis, praise and criticism of that administration's actions.
So yeah. Read the book, be more informed and more certain that quitting is the wrong answer. In this war your determination to fight and win is much more valuable than all of our high-speed technoweapons.

ok. so i wrote all that before i actually finished the book. and yeah, i have to add a few things. firstly, the..mk gmltn (spluttering angry not quite finding the words)

Fucking pro abortion son of a kbh ,v. Ralph Peters thinks that killing babies is cool. bastard.
so yeah. plus once he's moved out of the military sphere he develops a bunch of stupid crap, the warning signs of which i pretty much ignored- belief in religion not in God, Darwinism, other bleh crap.'
I'm tired and pissed and don't have much to say that is coherent. Basicly, I'm not really recommending that anyone go out and buy this book anymore. There's still some worthwhile stuff in there so if you happen to stumble across a copy or have the opportunity to steal one or spit on the stuid author. yeah.
meanwhile, goodnight.

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Blogger mags said...

I'm a simple person, please help me.

So here's the situation. I'm actively seeking new books to read and you just posted about a book where you go from raving to utter disdain. So should I read it or not? What's the bottom line? When you said you're not really recommending it at the end, was that just a disclaimer, or was it meant to say it's not really worthwhile overall?

Fri Feb 16, 02:35:00 PM  

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