
My new year's changes

So now that a little time has passed and I haven't fallen flat on my face with all the things I've been changing in my lifestyle, I think I'll share them. But first, I want to clarify that I don't really think of them as new years resolutions, so much as things I happened to decide that I was going to do starting new years day. So-called new years resolutions depress me.

First, I have quit smoking. That's right. From two packs a day to absolutely none in the last 18 days. My family keeps saying things along the lines of congratulations, and how pleased they are that I'm not a smoker anymore. But I don't think they realize that two and a half weeks later, I still think about how damn much I want to smoke a cigarette at LEAST 3 times an hour. So while I'm not going to say I've been successful yet, I'm still doing damn good. Tonight I'm going out with people I only kinda-know to a bar. We'll see if I triumph.

Secondly, I've been working out at least 3-4 times a week. But that has changed to cardio workouts daily since last Monday, plus weight training 3-4 days a week now that I have a membership at the Y. I also have a sweet in with one of the trainers (who says flirtation isn't handy?) and he's been giving me some great advice, and pretty much personal training, for free. I give it a week before he asks me out. But seriously, I haven't felt this sore and crappy in ages, and I've NEVER enjoyed feeling so sore and crappy so much before. It's fantastic.

So yeah, basically I'm pretty pleased with myself for now. It's real nice to have the amount of nasty things you say to yourself cut in half.

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Blogger SomethingInMyEye said...

YAY!!! I'm so happy for you! I too have "quit" smoking, except in my case I went 2 weeks only having a total of 3 cigarettes, then I blew it all Friday night when I was drinking & smoked a pack. LOL! Yeah it sucks. It's worth it though.. . I hear. . .

Mon Jan 22, 08:20:00 AM  
Blogger Kay Pea said...

Only losers quit, mags. come now...

Sat Jan 27, 01:17:00 PM  
Blogger mags said...

You're right...

...because only losers need to.

Sat Jan 27, 11:13:00 PM  

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