
Speed-Surfing online

So I was speed-surfing earlier (which is my term for online recreation with a set time limit and an alarm clock by my side to enforce it) and was checking out a site that a friend recommended about ninjas that I've been recommending to other friends prior to even checking it out myself. I only 'video skimmed' through some of the more recent posts and I imagine the earlier ones are more funny (they usually are. originality and whatnot.). So right, I thought I'd share some of the the ones I did watch with you guys.

Question 52: "Ninja Baby Sitters"

"...Unless you're wearing spiked jeans and actually trying to sit on the child, I really don't get the concept of baby-sitters..."

"Do you really think a gorillaagon (half gorilla, half dragon) is going to show you his recipe for mac&cheese before he pulls your arms off? No way!"

"Throw some surprises at your kids! Swap out the contents of your cleaning closet and your refrigerator. They'll definitely be more resilient if they live through that."

"You need to give your children a handful of death every day, and say "Eat up. That is LIFE."

Q 55: "Celebrity Weapons"

Hehe... the part about intelligent people in the beginning cracked me up. Also, here's for anyone who reads gossipy magazines like US Weekly on the sly:

"Here's a couple tips for trying to avoid death by celebrity. First off, Get a life, they can't touch you if you're out doing something interesting. Take Freddy Kruegar! If you're actually awake, he can't kill you. Except 6, I think. Two, become a celebrity yourself! If you can't stab him, join him. Soon you'll be come so self-absorbed and vapid you won't be able to even partially focus on anyone else's life."

Better to be self-absorbed and vapid than dead, right?

Q 54: "Vakilltions"- This one's for you, Phil. ...I SO told you about volcanoes...


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"Does the road wind up-hill all the way? Yes, to the very end. Will the day's journey take the whole day long? From morn to night my friend."
--Christina Rossetti

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