

So today I got all dressed up to go apply places this morning. I checked my email before I left and I had a message from my recruiter saying I start work Monday morning. This was random because no one told me I was hired? In fact, last I heard, there were supposed to be three interviews. I only attended one. I guess I was what they wanted. Fine by me.

I decided it wasn't necessary to go apply places after all. So I dressed down and went over to my sisters and baked a cake shaped like a mermaid and decorated with candy and stuff. Totally fun, but also kinda random. I mean really, who bakes mermaid cakes anymore?

So then my cousin KP came over ta hang out in the evening- chat, play darts, watch movies. You know the deal. Also random, considering she lives in Chicago and I wasn't expecting her to be in town yet.

So then it's like 1am, right? I get a drunk call from my oldest bro. He's drunk. He asks me where I am, and I say I'm at home w/KP. Then he asks me if we're going to be here all night? Random question if you ask me, considering that I live here and all. That's kinda what the 'home' thing's all about, am I right?

He goes on to tell me that he's in a bar in Milwaukee. So I ask what bar it is... and guess what. It's the very same bar that Matt and I had been planning on going to this evening, but decided not to at the last minute. How random is that? We would have randomly ran into them- they also live in Chicago- at OUR bar.

Huh. Nifty.

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Blogger mags said...

I was thinking we could keep that to ourselves. I already erased the score and our names from the chalkboard.. as far as I'm concerned, it never happened.

We'll see how hot stuff you are tomorrow.

Fri Aug 18, 02:21:00 PM  

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