
Bra's in Lieu of Change Purses: Somebody Ain't Done Right

So we went to Cousin's Subs the other day downtown. Cousin's is the only fast food place worth going to, and they make the best damn club sandwich known to man.

So we were at one of the ones downtown, as I said, trying to order our sub sandwiches. But then this black lady in front of us in the process of handing the cashier her money (she'd already given her some of the money but not enough), when she turned to her friends behind her and goes "Somebody Ain't Done Right." And that was it, and it was confusing and everyone started making disturbed sort of word sounds (I guess that's called ebonics) and yadda yadda. Then she goes and finishes paying, and puts the change in her bra. Now that's weird, but not too weird, but then we notice that she put all the bills on one side, and all the change she just dropped down her bra on the other side. Grooooodygrodygrody. But then what was worse, is after she got her food and was eating, she decided she wanted something else. So she goes up to the counter, orders it, and proceeds to reach INTO HER BRA to fish out, not just the cash, mind you, but actual CHANGE from her bra. Dear Lord, it was foul.

Somebody certainly ain't done right, if you ask me.

That is all.

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